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darksouls at home :

you should add block and perfect parry, and unlockable attack

the game is gud these are the bads and the guds

guds it can work on low end specs its fun and frustrating 

bads the rolls have too little eye frames the bosses are the hardest boss in souls history they can catch u mid roll and even if u perfect roll still u get hit 

also the most frustrating part the weapon is tooo weak and the bosses dont give any i mean any time to strike 

(1 edit)

I downloaded the game, booted it up and I tried it.
I wasn't prepared for the amount of lag my computer would've shown me during attacks.
Normal movement was working just fine, but whenever I tried to attack or the boss did my game was going very slow

I even tried to lower the maximum FPS to 30, but at both 60 and 30 FPS the problem remained the same, the attacks.
Most I can say is that the UI is well done, the game idea is nice and that the music of Bonarl hits good. I couldn't get to second phase or second boss due to all the lag I was experiencing, but that's proly my computer's problem

Thanks for trying it out. Sucks that lag ruined your experience. I'm interested in what are your PC specs tho?

can i play it my specs suckkk

Uptdate:I no-hitted both bossess.I think that Nalani needs some nerfs,and a fixing to his janky interaction with his thrust that sends her flying.The non-combo(like she does it inmideatly without it going before another attack) flurry attack also should have more delay compared to the one that comes after another,since it can be really inconsistent to evade .

Definitively should add an automatic restart button in the menu,it would make the game more replayable by making it much more comfortable to try and no-hit the bossess.Other than that,Grave knight should have a slightly less big hp pool imo,it kind of become tedious since he doesn't get more attacks.

This is really cool and has a lot of potential. The dodge roll takes a little bit to get the hang of but feels really smooth once you've mastered it. I've never seen a game do claymation-style graphics before but it works oddly well here.

Grave Knight is such a well-designed boss, attack patterns are varied enough to be engaging and it feels really fun to fight. No negative feedback about this one, it's perfect already.

Nalani is a neat idea, but the windows between her attacks are too short to reliably hit her. I've found the only time I can consistently get an attack in without risking damage is by rolling to the side when she does her combo or sidestepping her dash attack. Which has the side effect of making her health bar feel too big.

Overall, very polished and impressive especially for a one-month project. Would love to see this become a full game!

Game was fun! There was a weird issue (could be me since im using a switch pro controller) where I was unable to click any options on any menus. I could roll, sprint and all that just couln't actually SELECT anything on any menus with any buttons, I had to click using my mouse. Also, the rolling does feel a lil bit janky where there were a couple times where I definitely rolled at the correct time and got hit in an early part of the animation, where in DS or Elden Ring I wouldn't have gotten hit. The sword also does seem a little bit short in range, as I would dodge a charge attack from GKB or a combo from NCB and I would be right next to them, but since they walked a SMIDGE away, my attack would just miss if I was charging a heavy. I'm a big fan of the clay art style and a full game would be so fun, like maybe one boss that splits apart into mini clay figs or a dragon that breathes clay goop. Overall nice job, I saw the YT video so I saw the hard work you put into this game. Looking forward to any future developments on this project you might make!

Wow.. this game is amazing. 9/10

First off, the background area along with the music is creatively designed and gives a good atmosphere for the first boss Grave knight Bonart (i hoped you did make a new area for Nalani, The Crimson Blade though) and it makes the bossfight absolutely captivating. I think the work on the animations for Bonart are near flawless, the attack delay is executed perfectly, and the boss isn't even that difficult to defeat AFTER you memorize the attack patterns and open windows to strike back. The only issue is that for one attack combo there is a moment where I take damage a fraction of a millisecond too early. 

The second boss, Nalani, is a challenging boss at first. The pg's attacks were far slower than the bosses', so I couldn't really get much out of doing regular attacks. I also found it hard to time the rolls properly so I stuck to strafing and only attacking in open windows. A great way to combat this and speeden up the fight is to make use of the heavy charged attack, which staggers her. I managed to kill her with 3 heals remaining. 

So in conclusion, the main tips I have for this game are: 

  • to fix the attack animation inaccuracy in the first boss
  • to increase the pg's attack speed 
  • to increase the roll speed (and maybe slightly increasing the i-frames)

The fact that you made this in ONE month really amazes me. Potentially if you want to expand, also make a new area where Nalani fits in better (like a dojo or something) because you have the skills and creativity. I'd like to see more from you and who knows maybe we'll get the new Elden Ring?

This game is so good, but I feel like you shouldn't be thrown into the samurai boss straight after the knight, as 10 clay points is not enough. It could be for some people, but even some elden ring bosses are more forgiving that boss. 

I feel an easy way to help is maybe make the bosses an area that you go into to fight them and maybe there's a third non boss area with some simple enemies, that maybe 1 on every few give a clay point, and/or some money maybe to buy a better sword or smth like that?

(1 edit)

Plenty of potential, but very unpolished. The rolls are janky, making attacks while running heavy is a bad design choice, the delay before you can attack after rolling is too big and the player's range is tiny. Those design choices turn the game into a strafing simulator

This game was amazing  but when i was fighting nalani there was a bug she so if she hits me she didnt do any damage she did nothing. overall this was a great game 10/10  

I finished this game two time and i can say that is very impressing considering that is made in only one month and by only one person.

Said that, i will do some critic about the combat system and a few mechanic that need to be included. The first boss, Grave Knight Bonart, is more balanced considering the roll and the attack speed, but the RANGE of the pg's sword is totally wrong, in fact the heavy attack is almost useless especially against Nalani. Also the iframe are not perfect with a lot of ghost hit. The reason why i consider Bonart better than Nalani is because he's quite easy when you master it, and you can beat it also tak

ing zero damage, this in my opinion is the best  metod to set a good boss (the proof is in the video linked below where i beat it taking only one hit).

Nalani instead try to be a Malenia-Like, but is quite impossible to beat taking zero damage because of some of him combos that prevent you to dodge properly, considering also that the roll isn't chainable so fast, this fight is unbalanced also due to the difference between the two attack speed that makes difficult to stagger him without taking damage.

This fight made me miss a lot a shield and the parry mechanic, i hope that you will continue this project because i had a lot of fun playing it.

(2 edits) (+2)

rolling is absolutely dookie. the iframes start very late and end very late, so you have to dodge preemptively or else you'll get hit. also, the sword has NO reach. if i'm not hugging the bosses, i won't even get close to hitting them. i can barely even get past the first boss because of this. also, there is absolutely no reason to use heavy attacks when they're so slow and have no benefits other than doing a measly 70%~ (give or take) more damage. in every single case imaginable, it's better to just spam light attacks. even on the first boss's most punishable move, you do 480 damage with light attacks and 383 with a fully charged heavy (of which you might even miss if you don't immediately charge because of how small the hitbox is). also, just to nitpick, stamina has too long of a delay on recharging after using it and the sword doesn't do much damage to compensate for a long boss fight with generally boring and predictable moves. (except for the sword drag with the skeleton and the spins on the girl)

edit: after playing for a little while and fighting the 2nd boss, i absolutely could not take this game and didn't even beat her. because of the delayed rolls and some of her combo attacks (not the barrage/flurry with the indicator) you're forced into a hit-and-run playstyle that's more of a chore than an actual fun boss fight. if you're too close (which is INCREDIBLY easy to do because of how short the fucking skinning knife you're using to fight with is) then most of her combo attacks will clip you. this is even worse in the 2nd phase, obviously, because her combo moves are longer and will sometimes even force me into the corner if i'm dodging a certain direction because of how the arena is so much longer than wide. and i can confidently say this isn't just a skill issue (200+ hours on diff soulslike games) and definitely more of an issue with this shitty game. i can 100% see how this didn't even come close to winning the game jam, and i can barely even believe that it had ANY playtesting at all regarding combat. also, there is a MASSIVE pause if you try to light attack after a heavy attack (although this will rarely happen because, once again, there is NOTHING to gain from heavy attacking) which leads to either getting hit or doing significantly less damage than you should have. 


whomp whomp

the second boss is difficult, but if you actually tried it's not impossible.. smh

skill issue, git gut

Super fun to play! The first boss seems a little too easy to me tho.

If you are doing the full version right now, here are two things I would love to see:

1. consumables (firebombs, molotovs, explosive clay chunks, something like that (The Backlogs would be very happy))

2. status effects (like getting wet of water attacks would make you take more damage)

Also, I was thinking that you can recycle the Bonart's design prototype by decreasing its size and making it normal enemy (Sir Bonart's footman, or something)

honestly really fun but no time to prepare and second boss is a little too hard

idk if its my controller but sometimes it would work and sometimes it doesn't but it gets stuck on the light attack or the heavy i cant do both sometimes i can and sometimes it doesn't let me 

This game is fucking awesome! Just finished the first boss after 4 tries (you can dodge the delayed attack by walking to the right and easily get 3-4 light hits) 

The best part about this is that its only boss fights (the best part about souls games) e´without the running simulator inbetween

Clay knight is peak

Its a great game I only wish light attacks actually worked

Px visai žaidimuks, bet žiauriai užpisa hitboxai. Boss net neatsisukęs arba nespėjęs trenkti prieš stunlock, bet magiškai padaro damage. Dar vienas trūkumas tai I frames, rollini ir net neišdodžina attacks (kaikurių). Charged attack beveik nėra progos panaudoti, nes bosses greičiau atakuoja ir nutraukia. Patvarkius būtų visai geras souls-like mini game.

(1 edit)

good but the rolling janky and the lil dagger slow af

this game needs a hard mode this shit is too easy


You probably didn't even kill the first boss before writing this

this game is shittttttttttttttttttt

Janky af*

skill issue, git gut


love the game but maybe change up the stamina, feel like it is hard to dodge roll and continuously attack. so i just stick to walking around the boss

(1 edit)

Fun game, but please, fix maybe the hitboxes BUT PLEASE- FIX THE LENGHT OF THE SWORD, it has a range of a DAGGER.

+Add more weapons pwetty pwease<3

 It is amazing for a game that has been made in a month.

almost every souls like game has sword that has range of a dagger

love the game 

Game is great. Watched the video of you making it. I have never been able to fulfill my dreams of coding games since I don't have the money to afford a pc, but my windows 11 can run unreal engine pretty sure. Can't wait for your next little gamejam game!

when the skeleton hits u, instead of it pushing u away, it drags u to the enemy

just lock screen

(1 edit) (+1)

Sword 10/10 - absolutle best weapon in videogames, this mighty one got best of the bests! This CANNON get the range and damage of shortiest of the dagggers and the speed of chonckiest of tthe great hammers!


хуета потому что у босса есть одинаковые по виду атаки с разной длительностью замаха, что уже полная дрочка. Также босс тупорылый, юзает одни и те же комбо чуть ли не по порядку. Перекаты кончелыжные, огромные задержи повсюду, персонаж не мобильный, будто играешь за бревно, также меч персонажа настолько уебанский, что приходится подходить к боссу вплотную, а он тебя своими непонятными атаками ебашит. Вобщем весь этот геймдизайн и реализация механик 3/10

(1 edit) (+1)

Бро, это было создано за месяц благодаря джему

skill issue

это называется проблема навыков


where is sex update?



I agree with a few other peoples complaints about the dodge roll. The i frames activate later in the roll than anticipated so you have to roll really early. I also encountered a bug on Nalani's 2nd half where i didn't take any damage. Fun game though, I'd love to see an expanded version of it :D


good game and good  yotube video too.

i just wish there was more of this game (i really liked this game)


What's up with the rolling/dodging? when I dodge it doesn't seem to activate until halfway through the roll which is really annoying.

Also why does the first boss almost never stop attacking? How am I meant to hit him if I use all of my stamina dodging constant attacks. At least make it so charged attacks stagger the boss

Other than that, great game especially for the small time frame you had to make it

ever played souls game? the bosses never stop attacking you

I cant launch the game. (I already extracted the files)  the game launches then it kicks me out, i can hear the game go on but it seems to crash every time i play it

Si eres fan de los Dark Souls, este GAMEPLAY by Emiss23, te va a encantar. El videojuego CLAY KNIGHT son solamente 2 bosses, de mecánica muy similar a los videojuegos tipo Dark Souls. Así pues, disfrútalo y en comentarios nos dices qué te ha parecido.
(2 edits)

Always make sure to add a restart button for situations like this...

bro just found a hidden Oolacile township pvp fogg wall easter egg. +respect

(3 edits) (+1)

If you level up proabably leveling 12 Endurance is the best. It allows the player to do 4 Attacks(more than that is a garantiet hit) and 2 Rolls with the stamina more is not needed. 

Great Game, but kind of easy Bosses and vigor is kind of pointless because the bosses are not oneshoting you and the flask are the same strength. 

The Sekeleton has a over hat slam that can be looped over and over to allow for easy attacking.

The Second one is just roll or strave and then hit him 4 times R1 and roll away.

Overall great

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