running feels a tad stiff and weird, have you considered adding a slight viewbob? also maybe the option to choose between non-regen and regen health would be awesome, another thing that would be neato but not required would be if the crosshair could be changed and colored, either way this is an amazing project! if it ever reaches mod support and becomes more popular im sure this could be an amazing zombies replica!
also, forgot to mention the lack of sprint toggle! keep on the good work!
When you say viewbob you mean camera bobbing right? Cuz if so, I sort of dislike camera bobbing and I know other people dislike it too, some say they get sick from it. Having a toggle between regen health and non regen health would break the game a bit, since it's made with no regen in mind. Regen is a mechanic that I really dislike, it somewhat works for zombies but I still decided I didn't want it. Any accessibility options are obviously still missing, as well as control remapping. Having mod support for the game would be incredible, but the easiest way for anyone to mod would be downloading Unity, which would put off a lot of people. Making modding built in to the game would be rather difficult. Thanks for sharing your opinion.
Hey mate, I saw your new video and it looks exciting! I love card collecting in games, it triggers something primal from my childhood. Have you thought about modelling the art of your cards off of tarot cards? Might be a fun way to add some mystique and creepiness.
I think some of the more interesting perks from Zombies have been the ones that fundamentally change a basic mechanic, like how PHD Flopper changed your dolphin dive into a weapon, or how Widows Wine gave a new use to your grenades. Perks that have multiple benefits are always fun too, they feel like you get more for your buck. Here are some ideas:
-Slow down time for a second when you get hit, with a cooldown.
-Melee attack does more damage, hits all zombies in front of you and pushes them back (kinda like a shove from L4D). The more zombies it hits, the less damage it deals, so your melee is now strong on single targets but has a utility against multiple targets.
-Landing a headshot on a zombie will increase the damage of the next headshot on that zombie (a stacking debuff). Landing a headshot on a zombie will momentarily reduce their movement speed. Zombies killed with a headshot will cause their head to explode and slightly damage nearby zombies.
-The player regenerates 1/4 of their weapon's ammo at the start of every round. Missed shots have a chance to be refunded. Reloading an empty weapon is faster. Weapons slowly reload while holstered. Picking up a health pack/grenade while the player holding maximum health/grenades will grant the player ammo instead.
-Using a health pack grants the player a shield that can withstand 1 zombie hit and lasts until the healing animation finishes. Grants the player an extra slot for health packs. Collecting a health pack while carrying max health packs will pay the player $500 instead. Maybe adds a funny or comedic healing animation to the potential animation roster.
-Grenades will split into three grenades upon being thrown. The player can carry more grenades. Grenades will stun zombies they don't kill. Reduces the damage to the player from grenades. The grenade animation is faster. Walking over a grenade while holding max grenades will pay the player $500 instead.
-A perk that increases the benefit of drops. Max ammos now grant a brief window of unlimited ammo. Quad damage grants more points per kill while active. Double points discounts the cost of the box and upgrading station while active. Full health will cause every zombie on the map to drop to half hp. Nuke will grant points for every zombie killed and delay the spawning of new zombies for a few seconds. Zombies will take more damage during time stop and move slower for a few seconds after it wears off. Allows drops to be rerolled once.
Your game is looking fantastic, I can't wait to see where you take it!
Hey, I have indeed thought of making the cards art based on tarot cards, but with my drawing skill that is not very possible so I chose to make the cards based of playing cards instead.
You've listed quite a lot of cool perk ideas. Since I'm planning to not have a perk limit some of these seem pretty overpowered, but I think some could be added :)
zombies should make a sound when they're close to you so you can kill them before they hit you instead of trying to rely on hearing they're footsteps, other than that I really enjoyed it.
when i open the game my monitor says that the resolution and Hz its highier than the suported (if you dont understand what i say is because i am a 11 years brazilian) and my monitor its a dell resolution 1024x768 60Hz optimum 1280x1024 60Hz
hey man, i downloaded the rar and it said "The Archive is in an unknown format or damaged" so i opened it with an online extractor and tried to run the zombies exe and it said "This app can't run on your pc" any help with this?
Honestly that doesn't sound to bad for such a graphics card :D I probably should make the game run using Forward rendering, since for some reason I set it to deferred (forward - better performance when no/low amount of realtime lights). Another thing that's still possible to optimize would be body counts (make an option to decrease it or increase it).
Heya mate, I was playing BO2 zombies the other day and I found about a neat way to maybe more reply value. In BO2, you don’t just pick a zombies map, but they let you add modifiers like starting on higher rounds, headshots only, etc. It might be cool to add some challenge modifiers, like no power-up drops, one-hit game over, no jumping, no sprinting, upgrading giving gun modifiers but no increase damage, etc.
And if you can be bothered, some sort of leaderboard where players can see other people’s high rounds on different challenges to inspire them to give it a try. I know it’s just a free project for now, but I’d definitely pay money for a cool little zombies clone that gives me competitive entertainment like that.
Hey, your suggestion sounds really cool, but at this point the list of things to add is becoming very daunting.
Massive sneak peak here:
I am already planning on making a new map that would have a full Easter Egg - Main Quest! So thinking of a cool story and than bringing it into gameplay is already a massive task. So having a lot of additional things I want to add: like more weapons, a new mini boss enemy, perks, etc. Makes the list massive.
If the game will have a lot of potential after the next big update, I might consider making it a steam release (not a free game anymore, but the free version would become a demo, lol). With this possibility I would definitely add leaderboards, statistics, camos, modifiers, more features like that and most importantly more maps.
Having some custom made challenges would be also awesome: in the menu there would be a button - Challenges, you click on that you see something like "Iron man" challenge, where you can't upgrade weapons and you can't have perks (when I'll add them), and there's a leaderboard next to it showing how high of a round people have reached.
But for now I don't want to increase the very daunting list beyond the point that it's at already. I just beat Elden Ring and I have a gap year, so I'll start grinding some game development now.
I appreciate every suggestion and I especially appreciate that someone actually plays my game!
Found a crash- when firing either shotgun pointblank into a zombie, the game freezes and I have to restart my computer. Happened to me a few times now. I think you may need other zombies behind the targeted one to cause it. If it doesn’t freeze, then the frames will plummet for a second before resuming. On all my crashes, it froze on a frame that showed the blood spray particle effect taking up the whole screen. Maybe all those pellets trying to make a blood particle simultaneously, taking up the entire screen, is a bit too much for the program to handle? Not sure.
Also there’s some sweet spots you can jump to that the zombies can’t reach, notably the fallen shelf upstairs, two different sets of debris in the starting room, and the two shelves in the mystery box room that you can crouch-jump on-top of. My favourite spot is on-top of the left hand wall of the mystery box stairs. There's a concrete bulge in the wall that that gets cut off by the hole in the second floor wall. If you jump to the top of the bulge from the second floor, leaping over the stairs, you can land on the bulge and camp there as long as you hold down the w key. By jumping backwards, you can just hold the s key and face the zombies to shoot them.
The crashing is most likely like you said too many particles. Having >10 instances of blood literally in the camera is not good, so a weaker PC could crash because of that, so I guess I'll tweak how shotgun impact effects work. For the jump spots, I am not sure how to treat them: like bugs or like features :D. But I'll probably not change the jump spots, I'd rather focus on making a new map than playtesting to death the first one.
You should also set ambient occlusion to none and anti aliasing to none, if that doesn't help, the last option would be to lower the resolution. And if that doesn't help I don't think your computer will be able to run the game, sorry.
the best strat for this game is to get the trench gun, upgrade it all the way, get the raygun, upgrade it all the way and MAINLY USE THE TRENCH GUN then go to the starting room and train to your hearts content
Awesome update! Thanks a lot for the reticle. The ability to scale it was a fantastic idea. I can centre my screen and still be immersed in the spooky atmosphere. I really appreciate you going out of your way to do that, I know programming is a time-consuming nightmare :)
—— The new guns are enjoyable to look at and play with, and your animations give them a nice feel and heft. The Weber is awesome, though I feel the screenshake on it is a nauseating. That might just be a me-problem though.
I feel like the Kar98 doesn’t suit your game very well. The Kar98 works in CoD zombies because the starting zombies are a lot slower and come at different time intervals throughout the wave, so it fills a niche by allowing you to snipe some zombies at the start of the round and thin out the horde. Your starting zombies are a lot faster and come all at once, making the Kar98 feel way too slow and obsolete, even compared to the starting pistol. Your zombies behaviour doesn’t create a situation for your Kar98 to be useful. A possible solution to this would be to let your Kar98 fill a different niche. With a buff to the Kar98’s cycle and reload times, and even maybe it’s damage, it could become a poor-man’s trench gun; filling a similar role but with pierce instead of spread.
You could leave it as it is considering it’s meant to be a cheap starting weapon, but as it stands I think it’s worse than the starting pistol, purely because of the way your zombies work.
Your new upgrade system is simplistic, but I definitely agree that it’s more fun. It feels a lot more rogue-like and leaves room for you to fill in the gaps with a perk system.
It would be cool if each weapon got a special ability when fully upgraded, kind of like how the World at War/Black Ops guns would sometimes get attachments or special ammo types when upgraded. ——
A nuclear power plant map is an awesome idea. Have you considered maybe adding a dynamic map event that triggers every few waves, like an artillery bombardment or an air raid that can kill zombies but forces the player to seek shelter, or maybe some event that changes the layout of the map temporarily? Something like that could really contribute to the fun of your game lasting into higher rounds, but it would be a slog to code.
I really like your time stop power up. It’s made me feel like your game might benefit from some sort of slow-motion mechanic, kind of like FEAR. Your character controller feels very reminiscent of movement-shooter games, and I think it’d be cool to narrowly dodge through hordes of zombies while appreciating your gore system in slo-mo.
Right after WW2, the Nazis tried to form a resistance group named “Werwolf” to scare and harass the Allies. I think that could play into a cool title for your game, “Operation Werwolf” or “Night of the Werwolf” or “Revenge of the Werwolf ” or “Army of Wolves”or something cheesy like that. The lore could include something about them releasing some sort of biological or occult weapon as a last-ditch attempt to turn the tide on the Allies, or maybe even zombifying their own men to try and create some sort of super-soldier. And it might differentiate your zombies to make them undead resistance fighters instead of the usual SS/Army zombies from other games.
Overall your efforts and dedication is fantastic. Your game is really fun, very atmospheric, and I can’t wait to see where you take it.
The gun balancing is definitely not finished. For the Kar 98k I could just drop it's price and buff it's damage a bit so it could be more useful.
I have indeed consider some dynamic map events when I was talking about a church level, for example: every few rounds fog becomes thicker and you have to go inside the church and barricade it and try to holdout in this relatively small building. But at this point I am pretty sure I will be going with the Nuclear Plant idea so I'll have to think of some other interesting dynamic-ish event to add.
Some sort of slow-mo powerup is also a possible addition.
"Werwolf" idea sounds interesting but people might get confused as to where are the werewolves :D. With that in mind I could just create some fictional name for this group and make the story based on that.
Anyway, I really appreciate that you took your time to give detail feedback and some interesting ideas.
Overall I am sad to see the upgrade station go, though you could bring it back in the form of perk machines. I like that you have fixed many of the small annoyances and the new content is definably welcome.
- after buying the wall buy rifle both the model of the rifle and the pistol were on screen at the same time. I could also shoot them both at the same time.
- Melee after insta kill was two hits
- maybe make grenades and or health packs a wall buy or more reliable to get
- in the new map maybe make a little bit of a puzzle to get to the "Pack A Punch".
- you could add lore or something through the radios around the map or even use it in the puzzle.
Thanks for taking your time and giving some nice feedback.
Having two weapons active is a sorta know bug, if you want to break the weapon system it's not that hard actually, so I'll work on that.
The skull powerup is NOT INSTA KILL, it's quad damage, but since a lot of people think it's insta kill I'll probably just make it insta kill.
Getting the Upgrade station to work will definitely be more difficult in the next map, for sure.
The reason for even modeling the radios was exactly like you said - lore. But I decided to not rush adding lore in this update, It's kind of hard to think of anything interesting that can be conveyed via a radio.
Yo thx for the shout-out in your new video, watching your videos make me want to make games and you make it look so easy but after messing around for a bit I've gained so much more respect not to say that I didn't already have lots for you.
This is very entertaining. The gameplay feels super smooth, and your reload animations are awesome. The map is small and gets tiring (as a proof of concept map is bound to be), but the work you've put into the lighting and environment is fantastic. The atmosphere is creepy, and makes me feel small and uncertain. If you make the game a bit harder and add in some zombie and ambience sounds, this could easily become really scary and tense.
I love your shooting, especially considering how early this is. I did really want to hip-fire the submachine guns into groups of zombies and spray them down, but the hip-fire aiming is a bit hit-or-miss. Because of how dark it is, it's hard to see the blood splatter and get a feel of where my bullets are going unless I ADS. I feel like having a basic reticle to show me where the centre of the screen is would help with the hip-fire feel, even if it doesn't adjust for bullet spread. A little dot to help me understand roughly where I'm aiming would be fantastic in a dark map like this.
Overall this is cool as hell and I can't wait to see where you can take it :)
Thanks, I really appreciate the feedback! I have already added more sounds to the game, but I'm still adding a few guns and after that I'll release a new update.
I'll probably add a reticle to the center on the screen and allow to turn it off in the options menu.
I enjoyed this more than I was expecting, not to say that I didn't expect this to be good. while watching the video I wouldn't have expected the TF2 upgrade station to work as well as it did, I also like how the jumping works, bouncing around the map sure is fun. Things that I think could be changed/implemented.
- Round end/start sounds
- Not pointing the gun while sprinting
- power ups less often, I think you get them to often.
-maybe make the gun change look when all upgrades have been gotten, for example turn the metal gold or something.
Over all I very much enjoyed playing this and look forward to any updates this may get. also the map was better than I was expecting.
Map editor would be cool, but I don't have the skill to code such a feature. Another problem is that maps in this game consist mostly of custom models and not just cubes with textures.
I got the suggestion gameplay feels pretty good and smooth. Though I think it's a bit too forgiving. For example, you can slip through hordes of zombies with ease. If the zombies blocked the player a bit more from being able to slip through it might make it feel a bit less forgiving.
I have a suggestion, when you open the upgrade center, it would be super helpful if you paused the game. That way people have a sense of progression without instantly dying. eventually, by around wave 24, your upgrades become obsolete. I think that you should change the way that you do upgrades, so that the gun can be infinitely upgradeable. I am a gamedev myself and could suggest a few ways to implement this.
hope you like the feedback, you are more talented than most and are way too underrated - keep up the good work! I hope you grow your channel larger!
Bruh, that's not supposed to be in the game. When I was testing the map description I quickly wrote something random and it snuck it's way in to the game. lol :D
when we swap weapons the other weapon should drop and we should be able to swap again
more weapons
and the "more damage" power up should be replaced with insta kill
and for the workstation we can put weapon in it and it will take sometime (like 1 min) then it will change the gun skin and add like an optic (red dot sight or any optic), laser light and increase magazine size like for mp40 32 to 42 all gun will have the same skin (after upgrade) the skin will be glowing
yes lol its pack a punch from cod zombies. then I think the workstation could be used for upgrading weapon like we can buy optic and other attachments with it but not with the normal money/point or whatever they are we will get a different coin or something after completing a wave and we could use that point/coin to upgrade weapons with the workstation and I dont think theres any other use for it?
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running feels a tad stiff and weird, have you considered adding a slight viewbob? also maybe the option to choose between non-regen and regen health would be awesome, another thing that would be neato but not required would be if the crosshair could be changed and colored, either way this is an amazing project! if it ever reaches mod support and becomes more popular im sure this could be an amazing zombies replica!
also, forgot to mention the lack of sprint toggle! keep on the good work!
When you say viewbob you mean camera bobbing right? Cuz if so, I sort of dislike camera bobbing and I know other people dislike it too, some say they get sick from it.
Having a toggle between regen health and non regen health would break the game a bit, since it's made with no regen in mind. Regen is a mechanic that I really dislike, it somewhat works for zombies but I still decided I didn't want it.
Any accessibility options are obviously still missing, as well as control remapping.
Having mod support for the game would be incredible, but the easiest way for anyone to mod would be downloading Unity, which would put off a lot of people. Making modding built in to the game would be rather difficult.
Thanks for sharing your opinion.
Hey mate, I saw your new video and it looks exciting! I love card collecting in games, it triggers something primal from my childhood. Have you thought about modelling the art of your cards off of tarot cards? Might be a fun way to add some mystique and creepiness.
I think some of the more interesting perks from Zombies have been the ones that fundamentally change a basic mechanic, like how PHD Flopper changed your dolphin dive into a weapon, or how Widows Wine gave a new use to your grenades. Perks that have multiple benefits are always fun too, they feel like you get more for your buck. Here are some ideas:
-Slow down time for a second when you get hit, with a cooldown.
-Melee attack does more damage, hits all zombies in front of you and pushes them back (kinda like a shove from L4D). The more zombies it hits, the less damage it deals, so your melee is now strong on single targets but has a utility against multiple targets.
-Landing a headshot on a zombie will increase the damage of the next headshot on that zombie (a stacking debuff). Landing a headshot on a zombie will momentarily reduce their movement speed. Zombies killed with a headshot will cause their head to explode and slightly damage nearby zombies.
-The player regenerates 1/4 of their weapon's ammo at the start of every round. Missed shots have a chance to be refunded. Reloading an empty weapon is faster. Weapons slowly reload while holstered. Picking up a health pack/grenade while the player holding maximum health/grenades will grant the player ammo instead.
-Using a health pack grants the player a shield that can withstand 1 zombie hit and lasts until the healing animation finishes. Grants the player an extra slot for health packs. Collecting a health pack while carrying max health packs will pay the player $500 instead. Maybe adds a funny or comedic healing animation to the potential animation roster.
-Grenades will split into three grenades upon being thrown. The player can carry more grenades. Grenades will stun zombies they don't kill. Reduces the damage to the player from grenades. The grenade animation is faster. Walking over a grenade while holding max grenades will pay the player $500 instead.
-A perk that increases the benefit of drops. Max ammos now grant a brief window of unlimited ammo. Quad damage grants more points per kill while active. Double points discounts the cost of the box and upgrading station while active. Full health will cause every zombie on the map to drop to half hp. Nuke will grant points for every zombie killed and delay the spawning of new zombies for a few seconds. Zombies will take more damage during time stop and move slower for a few seconds after it wears off. Allows drops to be rerolled once.
Your game is looking fantastic, I can't wait to see where you take it!
Hey, I have indeed thought of making the cards art based on tarot cards, but with my drawing skill that is not very possible so I chose to make the cards based of playing cards instead.
You've listed quite a lot of cool perk ideas. Since I'm planning to not have a perk limit some of these seem pretty overpowered, but I think some could be added :)
zombies should make a sound when they're close to you so you can kill them before they hit you instead of trying to rely on hearing they're footsteps, other than that I really enjoyed it.
Yeah, I guess you really can't trust that they'll randomly make a sound before slapping you :D
when i open the game my monitor says that the resolution and Hz its highier than the suported (if you dont understand what i say is because i am a 11 years brazilian) and my monitor its a dell resolution 1024x768 60Hz optimum 1280x1024 60Hz
Some nvidia settings allow for higher resolution than a monitor can support.
My game shows resolutions and refresh rates based on the player's monitor actually, it's not like I manually type in the resolutions.
but i dont have a video card. That is the problem!
Can you make the game for android? Please!
Probably no.
hey man, i downloaded the rar and it said "The Archive is in an unknown format or damaged" so i opened it with an online extractor and tried to run the zombies exe and it said "This app can't run on your pc" any help with this?
Does your PC use windows or something else?
If your operating system is not windows I can't really help much.
you should make a setting so the details are off and that can make this game work on a patato
What are your computer specs?
(Even when "potato" preset is selected you can still lower texture resolution.)
Hey Emis, Just make sure to ur game is all optimized and ur good.
Optimization for older hardware is what makes games actually good.
My friend was playing this on 30 fps with an intel graphics card and 8gb ram i think.
Honestly that doesn't sound to bad for such a graphics card :D
I probably should make the game run using Forward rendering, since for some reason I set it to deferred (forward - better performance when no/low amount of realtime lights).
Another thing that's still possible to optimize would be body counts (make an option to decrease it or increase it).
yes please make it i cant run it on my potato pc i have 4gb ram and intel uhd 600 graphics and it runs at 20 fps
Same man
How are you able to play any game at that point? just get yourself a better GPU maybe a 1660.
Honestly I think it would run on your device with at-least 50 fps if Emis added more settings to make it look more potato.
Heya mate, I was playing BO2 zombies the other day and I found about a neat way to maybe more reply value. In BO2, you don’t just pick a zombies map, but they let you add modifiers like starting on higher rounds, headshots only, etc. It might be cool to add some challenge modifiers, like no power-up drops, one-hit game over, no jumping, no sprinting, upgrading giving gun modifiers but no increase damage, etc.
And if you can be bothered, some sort of leaderboard where players can see other people’s high rounds on different challenges to inspire them to give it a try. I know it’s just a free project for now, but I’d definitely pay money for a cool little zombies clone that gives me competitive entertainment like that.
Hey, your suggestion sounds really cool, but at this point the list of things to add is becoming very daunting.
Massive sneak peak here:
I am already planning on making a new map that would have a full Easter Egg - Main Quest! So thinking of a cool story and than bringing it into gameplay is already a massive task. So having a lot of additional things I want to add: like more weapons, a new mini boss enemy, perks, etc. Makes the list massive.
If the game will have a lot of potential after the next big update, I might consider making it a steam release (not a free game anymore, but the free version would become a demo, lol). With this possibility I would definitely add leaderboards, statistics, camos, modifiers, more features like that and most importantly more maps.
Having some custom made challenges would be also awesome: in the menu there would be a button - Challenges, you click on that you see something like "Iron man" challenge, where you can't upgrade weapons and you can't have perks (when I'll add them), and there's a leaderboard next to it showing how high of a round people have reached.
But for now I don't want to increase the very daunting list beyond the point that it's at already. I just beat Elden Ring and I have a gap year, so I'll start grinding some game development now.
I appreciate every suggestion and I especially appreciate that someone actually plays my game!
does the game automatically update? or do i have to manually redownload the game
You'll have to redownload it manually.
Found a crash- when firing either shotgun pointblank into a zombie, the game freezes and I have to restart my computer. Happened to me a few times now. I think you may need other zombies behind the targeted one to cause it. If it doesn’t freeze, then the frames will plummet for a second before resuming. On all my crashes, it froze on a frame that showed the blood spray particle effect taking up the whole screen. Maybe all those pellets trying to make a blood particle simultaneously, taking up the entire screen, is a bit too much for the program to handle? Not sure.
Also there’s some sweet spots you can jump to that the zombies can’t reach, notably the fallen shelf upstairs, two different sets of debris in the starting room, and the two shelves in the mystery box room that you can crouch-jump on-top of. My favourite spot is on-top of the left hand wall of the mystery box stairs. There's a concrete bulge in the wall that that gets cut off by the hole in the second floor wall. If you jump to the top of the bulge from the second floor, leaping over the stairs, you can land on the bulge and camp there as long as you hold down the w key. By jumping backwards, you can just hold the s key and face the zombies to shoot them.
The crashing is most likely like you said too many particles. Having >10 instances of blood literally in the camera is not good, so a weaker PC could crash because of that, so I guess I'll tweak how shotgun impact effects work.
For the jump spots, I am not sure how to treat them: like bugs or like features :D. But I'll probably not change the jump spots, I'd rather focus on making a new map than playtesting to death the first one.
can you make a setting that really lowers grachics becuase i am on patato setting and my computer is lagging like crazy
You should also set ambient occlusion to none and anti aliasing to none, if that doesn't help, the last option would be to lower the resolution. And if that doesn't help I don't think your computer will be able to run the game, sorry.
the best strat for this game is to get the trench gun, upgrade it all the way, get the raygun, upgrade it all the way and MAINLY USE THE TRENCH GUN then go to the starting room and train to your hearts content
Cool strat! I personally train in the second floor.
Awesome update! Thanks a lot for the reticle. The ability to scale it was a fantastic idea. I can centre my screen and still be immersed in the spooky atmosphere. I really appreciate you going out of your way to do that, I know programming is a time-consuming nightmare :)
The new guns are enjoyable to look at and play with, and your animations give them a nice feel and heft. The Weber is awesome, though I feel the screenshake on it is a nauseating. That might just be a me-problem though.
I feel like the Kar98 doesn’t suit your game very well. The Kar98 works in CoD zombies because the starting zombies are a lot slower and come at different time intervals throughout the wave, so it fills a niche by allowing you to snipe some zombies at the start of the round and thin out the horde. Your starting zombies are a lot faster and come all at once, making the Kar98 feel way too slow and obsolete, even compared to the starting pistol. Your zombies behaviour doesn’t create a situation for your Kar98 to be useful. A possible solution to this would be to let your Kar98 fill a different niche. With a buff to the Kar98’s cycle and reload times, and even maybe it’s damage, it could become a poor-man’s trench gun; filling a similar role but with pierce instead of spread.
You could leave it as it is considering it’s meant to be a cheap starting weapon, but as it stands I think it’s worse than the starting pistol, purely because of the way your zombies work.
Your new upgrade system is simplistic, but I definitely agree that it’s more fun. It feels a lot more rogue-like and leaves room for you to fill in the gaps with a perk system.
It would be cool if each weapon got a special ability when fully upgraded, kind of like how the World at War/Black Ops guns would sometimes get attachments or special ammo types when upgraded.
A nuclear power plant map is an awesome idea. Have you considered maybe adding a dynamic map event that triggers every few waves, like an artillery bombardment or an air raid that can kill zombies but forces the player to seek shelter, or maybe some event that changes the layout of the map temporarily? Something like that could really contribute to the fun of your game lasting into higher rounds, but it would be a slog to code.
I really like your time stop power up. It’s made me feel like your game might benefit from some sort of slow-motion mechanic, kind of like FEAR. Your character controller feels very reminiscent of movement-shooter games, and I think it’d be cool to narrowly dodge through hordes of zombies while appreciating your gore system in slo-mo.
Right after WW2, the Nazis tried to form a resistance group named “Werwolf” to scare and harass the Allies. I think that could play into a cool title for your game, “Operation Werwolf” or “Night of the Werwolf” or “Revenge of the Werwolf ” or “Army of Wolves”or something cheesy like that. The lore could include something about them releasing some sort of biological or occult weapon as a last-ditch attempt to turn the tide on the Allies, or maybe even zombifying their own men to try and create some sort of super-soldier. And it might differentiate your zombies to make them undead resistance fighters instead of the usual SS/Army zombies from other games.
Overall your efforts and dedication is fantastic. Your game is really fun, very atmospheric, and I can’t wait to see where you take it.
Thanks for the feedback and the ideas!
The gun balancing is definitely not finished. For the Kar 98k I could just drop it's price and buff it's damage a bit so it could be more useful.
I have indeed consider some dynamic map events when I was talking about a church level, for example: every few rounds fog becomes thicker and you have to go inside the church and barricade it and try to holdout in this relatively small building. But at this point I am pretty sure I will be going with the Nuclear Plant idea so I'll have to think of some other interesting dynamic-ish event to add.
Some sort of slow-mo powerup is also a possible addition.
"Werwolf" idea sounds interesting but people might get confused as to where are the werewolves :D. With that in mind I could just create some fictional name for this group and make the story based on that.
Anyway, I really appreciate that you took your time to give detail feedback and some interesting ideas.
Updata 1.11 Review
Overall I am sad to see the upgrade station go, though you could bring it back in the form of perk machines. I like that you have fixed many of the small annoyances and the new content is definably welcome.
- after buying the wall buy rifle both the model of the rifle and the pistol were on screen at the same time. I could also shoot them both at the same time.
- Melee after insta kill was two hits
- maybe make grenades and or health packs a wall buy or more reliable to get
- in the new map maybe make a little bit of a puzzle to get to the "Pack A Punch".
- you could add lore or something through the radios around the map or even use it in the puzzle.
Thanks for taking your time and giving some nice feedback.
Having two weapons active is a sorta know bug, if you want to break the weapon system it's not that hard actually, so I'll work on that.
The skull powerup is NOT INSTA KILL, it's quad damage, but since a lot of people think it's insta kill I'll probably just make it insta kill.
Getting the Upgrade station to work will definitely be more difficult in the next map, for sure.
The reason for even modeling the radios was exactly like you said - lore. But I decided to not rush adding lore in this update, It's kind of hard to think of anything interesting that can be conveyed via a radio.
Yo thx for the shout-out in your new video, watching your videos make me want to make games and you make it look so easy but after messing around for a bit I've gained so much more respect not to say that I didn't already have lots for you.
Yeah, making games is hard, but mostly time consuming.
When are you going to add new weapons and will you add a wonder weapon?
New update this week. There will indeed be new weapons.
This is very entertaining. The gameplay feels super smooth, and your reload animations are awesome. The map is small and gets tiring (as a proof of concept map is bound to be), but the work you've put into the lighting and environment is fantastic. The atmosphere is creepy, and makes me feel small and uncertain. If you make the game a bit harder and add in some zombie and ambience sounds, this could easily become really scary and tense.
I love your shooting, especially considering how early this is. I did really want to hip-fire the submachine guns into groups of zombies and spray them down, but the hip-fire aiming is a bit hit-or-miss. Because of how dark it is, it's hard to see the blood splatter and get a feel of where my bullets are going unless I ADS. I feel like having a basic reticle to show me where the centre of the screen is would help with the hip-fire feel, even if it doesn't adjust for bullet spread. A little dot to help me understand roughly where I'm aiming would be fantastic in a dark map like this.
Overall this is cool as hell and I can't wait to see where you can take it :)
Thanks, I really appreciate the feedback! I have already added more sounds to the game, but I'm still adding a few guns and after that I'll release a new update.
I'll probably add a reticle to the center on the screen and allow to turn it off in the options menu.
I enjoyed this more than I was expecting, not to say that I didn't expect this to be good. while watching the video I wouldn't have expected the TF2 upgrade station to work as well as it did, I also like how the jumping works, bouncing around the map sure is fun. Things that I think could be changed/implemented.
- Round end/start sounds
- Not pointing the gun while sprinting
- power ups less often, I think you get them to often.
-maybe make the gun change look when all upgrades have been gotten, for example turn the metal gold or something.
Over all I very much enjoyed playing this and look forward to any updates this may get. also the map was better than I was expecting.
Glad you enjoyed the game. Thanks for the feedback!
make it for macbook as well me and other people who have macbooks want to play the game sa well
I'll try to do that for the next update.
when is the next update though?
Maybe this month, but I am not sure.
add more maps
add power ups like juggeraut
and multiplayer
can you add a make editor so player can make custom maps
Map editor would be cool, but I don't have the skill to code such a feature. Another problem is that maps in this game consist mostly of custom models and not just cubes with textures.
try to add upgraded weapons and grenades
ok sorry.
i rate 10/10
good game add more effects and add fps boots and show fps
put the workbench to upgrade weapons
I got the suggestion gameplay feels pretty good and smooth. Though I think it's a bit too forgiving. For example, you can slip through hordes of zombies with ease. If the zombies blocked the player a bit more from being able to slip through it might make it feel a bit less forgiving.
Thanks for the suggestion. The game should be harder in the next update.
Where does it say extract?
I'm assuming you're talking about the installation:
When you right click the .rar file you see extract here or something similar
Yeah I figured it out. Needed 7 sip. Neat game though!
I have a suggestion, when you open the upgrade center, it would be super helpful if you paused the game. That way people have a sense of progression without instantly dying. eventually, by around wave 24, your upgrades become obsolete. I think that you should change the way that you do upgrades, so that the gun can be infinitely upgradeable. I am a gamedev myself and could suggest a few ways to implement this.
hope you like the feedback, you are more talented than most and are way too underrated - keep up the good work! I hope you grow your channel larger!
Thanks man, I really appreaciate the feedback. Infinite upgrades have been on my mind for a bit so I might implement it somehow.
also, i have a question, what is this:
is it an easter egg?
Bruh, that's not supposed to be in the game. When I was testing the map description I quickly wrote something random and it snuck it's way in to the game. lol :D
haha, happens sometimes, if you ever release it on a platform and anybody discovers it, you could turn it into an achievement xD
nice shooter
some suggestions
when we swap weapons the other weapon should drop and we should be able to swap again
more weapons
and the "more damage" power up should be replaced with insta kill
and for the workstation we can put weapon in it and it will take sometime (like 1 min) then it will change the gun skin and add like an optic (red dot sight or any optic), laser light and increase magazine size like for mp40 32 to 42 all gun will have the same skin (after upgrade) the skin will be glowing
and the game is fun keep it up :)
and for name maybe Rampage:Zombies?
The workstation idea you described is literally pack a punch from CoD Zombies. I want something different, I don't want to just continue copying CoD.
I'm still unsure about the name. I don't think: ”Rampage: Zombies” is a good name either tho because it doesn't look even closely the same as Rampage.
Thanks for the feedback tho, I really appreaciate it.
yes lol its pack a punch from cod zombies. then I think the workstation could be used for upgrading weapon like we can buy optic and other attachments with it but not with the normal money/point or whatever they are we will get a different coin or something after completing a wave and we could use that point/coin to upgrade weapons with the workstation and I dont think theres any other use for it?
Thats really similar to the salvage from cold war zombies :D. But yeah something like that could work.
oh havent played or seen cold war's zombies didint knew about salvage