Samurai Game Project
A downloadable game for Windows
A first person melee combat game with samurai/ninja theme.
Been working on this for a while, but the project didn't have an actual gameplay loop, so I started from scratch and made this. Now that I have a very rough vertical slice I know that the game sucks.
The controls are shown when you pause the game [ESC]
More about how the game ended up in this state in this video:
Samurai Game 0.01 dash 67 MB
Install instructions
- Download .zip file
- Put it somewhere where you put games
- Extract the zip
- Open the folder and the executable should be there
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I have a few notes, the game is HARD and while i still like it. it does need a few fixes
1. a marker to tell when to parry, I still can not find the timing to parry, i play souls likes and my favorite game ultrakill a lot and those games you have to know when to time things and i usually figure it out quickly but in this game it takes a good amount of time to block so it is rather hard to figure out when to parry as well, even when you do parry it feels like it has no point because you just get swarmed
2. there needs to be a major over hall in the way the player and the enemies are treated. if there are 5 enemy's even if there are only 3 actively fighting me it means i am fighting 3 people who have the same tools if not better than me besides maybe dashing (ill get to that in a second) and i not only have to beat them but hopeful take a little of enough damage to fully heal and fight the next two, it just feels really hard to fight a mob of enemy's when they are pretty much equal or better than me
3. Dash doesn't i-frames or not enough. i could not figure out if the dash gave i-frames and if it does its not enough, you'll notice a lot of games (especial like this one) have a function that grant I-frames to dodge attacks and this game is in desperate need of one
4. Add more for the player to enjoy, you are to focused on the enemy's and not on the player, add what the player can do first and then build enemy's around that
5. allow more freedom of player, let me be a cool badass who fights ninjas, this game is for the player and should be designed that way and while I'm kind of restating a previous point I still think that its so important that it should be restated and made even more clear
Y no mobile:(
I love the mechanics and the vfx, but the game is stupidly difficult.
I repeat, i love it. The difficult is hard, is like the dark souls of the japanese beans.
But the developer is a genius, i love him too.
In my opinion this game is incredible
5/10 cuz difficult.
hey Emiss23, PLEASE let people change the settings of the game so you can change the parry block button and you can change the sensitivity, this game NEEDS a sorta QOF update like that. amazing game BTW keep coding, the games you make are so fun.
I really like the idea of this game. I feel like I could see a system where you fought a smaller number of enemies but they are harder to beat.
this game is dead?
the game is very fun and challenging. I don't really find anything negative, besides not being able to change mouse sensitivity maybe I don't know it's still very good either way. But other than that nothing bad so far.
the designs are good, the movement feels great. I can't tell if this is considered a bug or feature as I parried two enemies with one parry multiple times by having two enemies group in a straight line and go between them and also getting a double kill by killing two enemies with one strike, it felt very good to do.
I somehow dashed and jumped into a wall maybe an enemy and fling up in the sky, I'm not exactly sure how. Also when I respawn I seem to sometimes slide instead of walk, It's easily fixed by pressing space though. when I parry it sometimes doesn't work, like when I perfectly parry it wont work and will count as a block. Also when you kill an enemy before you die you get healed even though you're dead. I even managed to Glitch through the map

at first with all the enemies I thought it would be difficult, like REALLY difficult which it kinda was untill I understood the ropes and dash and attacked while also hop like a bunny to dodge attacks, and even though i died a LOT it was still so fun and after finally being able to move to the next wave of enemies I still felt like I could like 100 more times before I get bored
I think it would be cool if you could like parry projectiles like reflect it, I know it might be a little bit OP but it would feel really nice to pull off and rewarding.
I thought it would be cool if there was a shogun boss with a long charged dash attack that insta kills, but if you parry would be rewarding. Something like that, just an idea.
overall the game is very fun 10/10, keep up the good work :)
attack and then dash was too powerful parry feel bad to use
even tho you said they need coin in order to attack but when 3 of them attack at the same time the only choice is to retreat anyway
sometimes i hold block perfectly before the attack it doesnt count as parry but when i hold it a bit longer suddenly it count as a parry(is it bc of block cooldown or sumthing like that im not sure)
the game overall in this state was alright it just need to be polished
also the way combat work right now doesnt fit rogue-like you want it to be
it could work but i dont think it fit that well with the state of combat right now
the game look just like you lost and you dont know what to do with the game it really shows, still like it tho wish you have some idea to fix or finish this soon :)
i even make itch account just for this too btw, keep it up.
this game is awsome, but blocking is a bit bugged or, at least when i block, it doesnt always work, other than that, this game is great, keep up the great work
This prototype isn't bad by any means but it has glaring flaws I want to point out during my playthrough
before I get into the negative stuff here some good things, and I do recommend testing the game out for anyone reading this
1) style is great and feels good
2) the movement feels good
3) parrying feels good but it does feel a bit forced as a main mechanic
Negative stuff now
1) it can be hard to tell when an enemy will attack (mainly in crowds) due to the size of their weapons, although it's not the worst if you're able to keep enemy numbers low
2) the difficulty can make features feel like they lack depth, stuff like the dash is pretty much just "get to safety button" having dash serve different play styles could be more interesting like being able to dash behind an enemy and quickly attack but enemies act to quick to do anything other than hold the S key and press mouse 1 and 2.
3) ninjas kinda suck. they are more complex then the bowmen but they show up before them, the shuriken they throw can be hidden behind enemies you're fighting, and the combo attack can be annoying to deal with when trying to take down other enemies when stunned, and biggest problem is the stab attack, it's really fast and the notification for it isn't very noticeable, the stab needs some change because it can feel really unfair at times.
Overall it's good just not the most enjoyable at times, I can see the potential.
the movement and combat reminds me a lot of ghostrunner but the added challenge makes it pretty fun. The parry window is a little big though
Hi! I tested your game and I thought I could give you some insights. I'm myself currently trying to make a game with first person melee fighting so testing your game was quite useful to me.
What felt great:
What felt off:
I think the main thing is that since enemies are attacking randomly, you can't parry them all and the block is so weak that you get pushed out of posture everytime you try to parry something.
I hope any of this will be useful to you and thank you for doing some devlog on this, it's cool having some insights on what may works and what feels weird.
bro i have been watching your devlogs on this game and you inspired me a lot making my own game and i tink the game is great thanks
This is based of some other posts and my experience aswell, if there was more of and indicator for parrying it would allow for the fighting to be more equal in a way, another thing is movement speed idk if you have played with this im sure you have but slightly increasing movement speed may make the game feel more responsive to the player. Then try adding more vibriance to the world even in slight ways I understand you are going for a more monotone type feel (I belive at least) but if you havent tried it already id reccomend just messing with it a little maybe even with post processing. But overall the game is really well made but i do agree somethings feel off but overall is really good.
When I was playing I would try to add more flourish to my attacks, however there's only one type of attack I could do. I think the game would be more interesting if you had to mix different attacks to break through an enemy's guard. As in if you charge an attack mid air it becomes an overhead chop, or attacking after a dash becomes a stab. If some enemy types would block more, fighting them could feel more like a duel and make the player target the weaker enemies first. Right now the best strategy is to attack once then dash away and repeat. The game was fun and I found it inspiring.
Emis if you are reading this then I want you to know that I am a viewer of your channel and I have most if not all your games. You are doing well. I do have a few suggestions that might help, Its not about adding new weapons or enemies because you have worked enough, its about turning this game into a round based game and from there on you decide how you do things, while it also being really easy to make it loop. This has a lot of potential, and I would hate to see it lost. Have a good time :)
I don't see how round-based would do anything for the actual gameplay loop. Also, want to get as far away from cod zombies after making DfB.
I don't see the potential in this idea anymore. After spending 6 months, I see this idea differently. I couldn't nail down the execution in such a long time, so it's incredibly demotivating to do anything regarding this project.
Alright, no project should demotivate its creator. So do what you want to do, but please don't forget about this game and how you have created something great.
Honestly, I think that this game has huge potential. It just needs a little bit more depth. More weapons could go a long way. The game could become way more interesting if you had more weapons at your disposal such as shurikens or a bow. That would add a whole new element of deciding what weapons to use for different situations.
Depth is an issue for sure, but I don't think just slapping extra weapons would do much to fix it.
Think about it: what would be the point of shurikens? Any damage they deal would be not enough to be useful, you already kill enemies in 2-3 hits (or if shurikens dealt meaningful damage they'd be overpowered as you'd have a ranged weapon to avoid most danger).
I tried making a "level 2" of sorts with this vertical slice, so in terms of weapons, abilities etc. it's very bare, just the actual core of the game. But well, the core is flawed and just feels "off" to me.
You could have shurikens do the same amount of damage as a sword strike, but you have a limited amount of them, so you can't use them on every enemy.
But I understand that you feel that the core of the game is off. I just don't believe that it is beyond fixing.
Well, if I couldn't nail down a core gameplay loop in 6 months, then when is the time? Working on the project is just miserable at this point - 6 months and I have nothing.
I understand, if you don't enjoy working on the project then it is time to move on.
Shuriken: bounces from enemy to enemy twice, then comes back at the player, allowing you to parry the shuriken back into another enemy.
Just doing damage doesnt really add to gameplay, making it have new mechanics does however (i might be wrong here but im 99% sure)
wdym it sucks? it feels great and is actually fun! i want more!
Me saying it sucks might be a bit blunt, but that's just the simplest way of putting it.
To me the game feels... off? Like it's good-ish, but something is just off about it
IMO, for the style heading towards, it just lacks mechanics. something like a shockwave that knocks enemies away just a little bit after parrying could add depth. I dont think it feels off as much as it feels empty. And i genuinely believe that this concept has HUGE potential.